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Hysteroscopy is a surgical tool used by your gynecologist to examine the cervix and uterus. It is a thin tube with a light and camera. It is used to image the inside of the uterus on a screen.

The procedure is used for several conditions, especially abnormal uterine bleeding. It can also be used to remove scarring in the uterus, help determine causes of frequent miscarriages, remove an IUD (intrauterine device used for contraception), or remove uterine polyps. Targeted biopsies of the inner uterine lining are possible with a hysteroscope.

This procedure can be performed in the operating room or in the office setting. Your doctor can help determine which location is best for you.

The patient is often asleep during the procedure. The cervix is dilated to allow the hysteroscope to be gently inserted into the uterus. Fluid or gas is used to expand the uterine cavity and allow your doctor to examine the uterus. Other instruments for biopsies or removal of polyps can then be inserted into the uterus to remove the polyp(s) or sample abnormal tissue.

The risks are low and include bleeding, infection, or perforation of the uterus. Typically, these can be resolved without further complication by your doctor.

Once awake after the procedure, you are moved to the recovery room and with adequate pain relief, discharged home for self and family care. A call to your doctor is encouraged if any issues occur. A detailed follow-up visit to discuss and review results is planned within a few weeks of going home.

The hysteroscope is a useful tool for your gynecologist in evaluating and caring for your gynecological needs.